Get Paid To Hack Websites With Kali

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Hack Website Kali Linux Tutorial

. Download the software from the below link:. Once, you download the software, extract the software to Windows desktop. Targeting the website: Double click the software icon to open it. LOIC is a portable software and requires no installation. Now, put the website address that you target in the ‘target URL’ field.

It is optional to put the IP of the targeted website in the IP field. You can get the website IP by using ping command from your Windows. Press the ‘lock on’ button which is next to the text field.

Under ‘Attack’, don’t change timeout, HTTP subsite, speed bar. Under ‘TCP/UDP Message’, enter whatever you want to right. Under the ‘Port’ field, change the value of the port of the targeted website.

In most of the cases the value ’80’ should work. Under ‘Method’, from the drop-down list, select UDP option. Uncheck the ‘Wait for reply’ check box. Change the thread value to 20 if you have a good computer. Otherwise, keep the value to 10. Press the “IIMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER” button.

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