Playstation 3 Update Version 4.40

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  1. Playstation 3 Update Download

Firmwares:OFW is official firmware made by Sony. Use this for normal updates.-CFW is a custom firmware made by hackers. CFW is available however only works on 3.55 and below.-999 is not necessarily a firmware, but it allows the PS3 to go to any update version that supports your PS3. Changes maximum upgrade version to '999'. You must have QA Flag enabled to use this.-MinVerCheck is a firmware that crashes the system update into telling you what your lowest available downgrade is. Is useful for E3 Flashers.-MFW is a modified firmware.


Playstation 3 Update Download

MFW is available however not recommended unless you know what you are doing.-System Types:CEX is default on normal OFW. Does not have any special features.-DEX is used on developer consoles and modified for user consoles using CFW.

Has many features ranging from debug settings.-Great!Now that you know the basics its time to get the.PUP ready for the PS3. Move on to part 2. (Trust me.)2. Connect USB storage containing PS3UPDAT.PUP into PS3.3.

Turn off PS3 by holding the power button. Once it turns off hold again and wait until the PS3 shuts off 2 or 3 seconds after it turns on while still holding it.4.

4.40Playstation 3 Update Version 4.40

Press and hold again until you hear 4 full beeps. Once when you turn on the console, second about 3 seconds later, third and fourth about 4 seconds later. Once you hear all 4 beeps let go of power button.5. Connect your DS3 controller with a USB cable and press the PS button.6. Select 'System Update' then follow the screen to complete the installation. If you don't want to mess up updating I recommend not having a game disc in the system.PS3 OFW Download Links.

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