Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Soccer

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatan fisik kecepatan dan kelincahan siswa ekstrakulikuler futsal SDN Rangkah IV Surabaya. Tiga puluh siswa dipilih sesuai dengan kriteria menggunakan metode purposive dan dilakukan pretest dan pemeringkatan sehingga masuk dalam pengelompokan ladder drill, shuttle run, dan kelompok kontrol. Side step test dan lari 30 meter digunakan untuk mengukur peningkatan kinerja fisik. Kedua kelompok perlakuan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian tiga hari dalam seminggu selama enam minggu dan menyelesaikan 18 sesi pelatihan dan satu kelompok kontrol tanpa perlakuan khusus, pada frekuensi 3 sesi per minggu. Hasil uji paired sample t-test dalam kelompok ladder drill menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan pada variabel kecepatan dan kelincahan, kelompok shuttle run menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan pada variabel kecepatan dan kelincahan tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari kelompok kontrol saat melakukan pretest dan postest. Disimpulkan dari penelitian ini bahwa latihan ladder drill dan shuttle run efektif untuk meingkatkan kemampuan kelincahan dan kecepatan.

WHAT IS THE F.A.S.T. Stands for Futsal, Agility & Soccer Training. The F.A.S.T Program for soccer/futsal skills development is for youth players whose parents want them to receive some advanced technical training providing them greater opportunities from direct teaching from a professional, licensed soccer trainer which is over and above what their soccer club (by itself) offers through its volunteer parent coaches. The mission of the F.A.S.T. Program is to provide a flexible method for challenging, improving, and developing foundational individual soccer/futsal skills in a positive and fun environment as a complement to their club team.

The F.A.S.T Program can greatly enhance your athlete’s personal playing experience through the confidence it instills. The F.A.S.T Program is NOT team-based. The F.A.S.T Program is training group based facilitated by a trained professional(s). There are no refunds applicable to this Program. All sessions are conducted at Sole Futsal Center, unless otherwise noted.ELIGIBILITYThe F.A.S.T. Program is for boys and girls born 2012-2005.

From time to time the age allowed may change the group they play with, as long as the coaching staff agrees. FOCUSThe focus is on player participation and soccer/futsal skills development in a challenging, fun environment.F.A.S.T. Classes will run all year!

We divide them into seasons to make it easier for your schedule and you can begin training at any time. Players are placed into a group based on their birth year and they can take the classes that interests them! All classes are co-ed and 60 minutes in length.SCHEDULING INFO– Classes are available multiple times per month– You are NOT locked the same schedule every week– Book online or from our mobile app– Cancel or schedule sessions the day of training, up to 3 hours before– Schedules are created seasonally based on coaches availabilityUNIFORM & EQUIPMENT REQUIREDNo uniform is required but we ask that you wear Sole Futsal or Sole Soccer shirts, if you have them.

A shirt is provided as part of registration and the participant’s size is provided during online registration. Shirts once available, will be provided during a F.A.S.T. Sole Futsal Center can be contacted if there are any questions at. What you must have for participation is the following:. Shin guards must be worn by youth participants. Indoor flats or sneakers. A jug/bottle of water, there is a water bottle refill station at Sole Futsal Center.COMMUNICATION AS TO SESSION CANCELLATIONSFor general program communication associated with reminders and announcements this will come automatically from EZ Facility which hosts our registration and booking of classes.

Program latihan fisik futsal soccer 2016

Program Latihan Fisik Futsal Soccer Team

If the sessions must be canceled due to an unforeseen event or cancellation due to inclement weather, coaches illness, Sole Futsal Center communicates to participants as follows:. Emails to all registrants of that particular day or class. (primary method). “Sole Futsal Center” Facebook page posts (primary method). Website, “F.A.S.T. Program News” (secondary method)AVAILABILITY LIMITATIONSThe Program has an overall limit on the number of participants and within each training session, groups will be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) participants per trainer.QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PROGRAMFor questions as to how generally the F.A.S.T. Program works, registration for the Program as well as Program content, contact Sole Futsal Center at or send an email to including your name and phone number.

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